ActiveRain Voices – Members Speak Out

When I returned home from Inman’s Real Estate Connect in San Francisco last week, I searched through my notes, videos, photos and handouts looking for something to post about that might be unique. There were so many things that I learned this year, some really great topics and technologies, wonderful panels with experienced speakers, it

Get a WiKi – With Just One Clicky

What is a Wiki?  Many of you have probably heard of WikiPedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Currently there are 2,457,781 articles in English on their site.  Many Bloggers link to Wikipedia for explanations and definitions of odd and peculiar terms, words or phrases.  What’s it for? You’ll find numerous links to overviews,

SEO Tools – You Should Know about SEO

SEO? There are Groups, Blogs, Website Graders, those who claim they know it all, and those who confess they know nothing whatsoever about it.  Both in and out of the community, many have benefited greatly from the SEO that comes from Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. What about those who haven’t a clue about SEO, what it

Groups On ActiveRain

Why did ActiveRain create the opportunity to allow members to start and join groups?  I’ve heard many say “they’re out of control.”  Does anyone really spend much time searching groups and joining them?  If not, it’s something everyone should consider or at least re-visit.  When did you join a group last?   Did you know