There once was a time when you could leave your door open and unlocked all night long.
I remember when people would leave their car windows down and doors unlocked in the driveway for days at a time or at least until it rained.
The world has changed and if you want your home to be protected and more importantly, safe and Kingstone Locksmith can help with the same.
Here’s some of the best home security tips from you’ll find available to help you protect your investments, your family and your neighbors and the community where you live and play.
- Change all the locks and tumblers when you move into a new house
- Place security provider yard signs in highly visible areas
- Have post office hold mail/news papers when leaving for extended periods
- Test security system with provider before leaving on vacation
- Hide valuables like jewelry, money etc. in the walls, use space between wall studs
to install fake outlets, wall safe’s, behind picture safes etc. - Stash valuables inside cereal boxes and fake soup cans in the kitchen,
Burglars rarely if ever rob or look for goods in the kitchen.
- Occasionally check windows to insure they are locked
- Store ladders inside, not on side of the house or backyard
- Hide external wiring, Burglars look to cut off electricity, alarm systems, phones, etc.
- If you lose your keys, change the locks immediately
- Don’t leave keys outside of home in hide a key boxes
- Spare key solution: wrap the key in foil and bury it where you can find it if needed
- Take pictures (and keep updated records) of all valuables
- Don’t let newspapers pile up on the porch when you’re on vacation
- Don’t leave notes for service people or family members on the door
- Consider your landscaping plan in light of your protection needs
- Turn water main off and put lights on timers when leaving for extended periods
- If you have an alarm, activate it even when you’re home
- Protect your trash. Shred financial docs and don’t place empty boxes from expensive items
in the garbage until the night before garbage day. Robbers do sift through your trash - Do not update Facebook profile while on vacation
- If someone comes to your door asking to use the phone to call a mechanic or the police,
keep the door locked and make the call for them yourself - Lock up your home, even if you go out only for a short time
- Dogs and Geese are good deterrents to burglars and intruders
- Don’t forget to shut the garage door whenever you don’t need access to it
- Get to know all the neighbors, their eyes on your home is added security
- Have a plan and always be prepared by discussing what to do if and when….
Sometimes common sense just isn’t enough. Always remember that while you and I may put little thought or effort into thinking about ways to protect our homes and families, the unwelcome intruder spends every waking moment of everyday trying to find newer, better, and faster ways to take advantage of our passive and naive attempts at home protection and safety.
Don’t take this topic for granted and remember that “everyone” is vulnerable and a candidate for this type of unfortunate event. Better safe… than sorry.
If you are ready to give a try to perimeter security system to protect your home from breaking in, check out
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