Adding Social Media Buttons and Icons – Pushing Your Buttons

Social Media Buttons and Icons – Is Someone Pushing Your Buttons? During these past few weeks, since adding the “Signature” option to ActiveRain posts, I’ve received so many requests, calls, and emails regarding how to add “Social Media Buttons and Icons” to the footers of Blog Posts.  You’ve probably seen many of the various types

20 Google Tools for Your Business

These are some really great tools that are ALL provided by Google for FREE. It’s obvious that they are on a mission to remain the leader in Internet services and tools for us in our business. You will have seen some of these before, but I am certain you have not seen or used them

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology NAR each year is always packed with great sessions, speakers, topics and presenters.  There’s no way to see and do it all!  One of my favorite parts of the Convention is walking around, meeting people in the hallways, hugging old friends and shaking hands with

Who Cares About Your Local Real Estate Market

Nobody cares about your local Real estate market like you do! Lets also not forget about the others who own, rent, buy, sell, borrow, work, play, eat, sleep, and are considering living there too?  When a home becomes available for sale on your street in YourCity, YS. aren’t you often more interested in the sales

ActiveRain Members and RainMakers – Do You Need Help?

ActiveRain Members and RainMakers – Do You Need Help? I’m looking for AR members who feel they need some training and coaching.  There are many great trainers and classes/coaching offered out there, but they might NOT be what you’re looking for and what you REALLY NEED. Are You Serious? Are you Ready? What are your

Improve Video and Images for Higher Ranking in Search Engines

How To Improve your Video and Images for Higher Ranking in the Search Engines. Acquiring SEO and traffic to your Blog or Website using great content, titles, descriptions, and keywords etc. has always been a subtle yet powerful strategy in the Blogging community.  Many new businesses and individuals don’t start off blogging or creating websites

Target Marketing your Real Estate Business

What is Target Marketing? I like to refer to it as laser surgery. While many Realtors, before building their referral business, try Farming as a way to generate buyers and sellers, I have found that most will use geographic and neighborhood Farming as a first resort. The are lot’s of Farming ideas out there to be

Add Value To Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow

ActiveRain University – How To Maximize Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow Join us for a FREE Webinar on March 29 Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that Sara Bonert (Director of Broker Services from Zillow) will be coming to ARU and sharing some tools you can use to bring greater value to