Yahoo! MyBlogLog to be Discontinued

Yahoo! MyBlogLog to be Discontinued (Just to clarify the title, I’m not saying Yahoo that MyBlogLog is going away either…) They’ll come and they’ll go. Some will stay, others just won’t stand the test of time.  The announcement that MyBlogLog will be discontinued came as a surprise to me this morning.  For those not familiar

Youtube and Your Real Estate Videos

Many of us use Youtube to host a variety of Real Estate and personal videos. I noticed that when videos are done playing, in most cases, other videos will pop up on the screen that have a similar topic or title.  Does this hurt or help you?  I guess this depends on how you “see”

Goal Setting – The 7 Steps to Success

The whole point in setting your goals is so you can accomplish those things you really want in life.  Goal setting is so unbelievably powerful.  Goals must be specific, written down, and have a time frame.  Just making the commitment to put it in writing will help you get there.  Having good organization is a

Hotspots on a Graphic – What are they, How to and Why

Can you have more than one link attached to a single graphic?  Have you ever wondered how website designers do that?  This is called layering or “Hotspots“.  You can easily create multiple links to any single graphic by doing the following.  I like to use photos or graphics that are in .jpg formats.  My earlier post

RE Tech World Launches New Site

RE Tech World Launches New SiteReal Estate Technology is one of the most difficult things to get your arms around. Between all the Social Media Marketing and Networking tools and applications, it seems that there is no human way possible to keep up with it all.  “”It’s like trying to drink out of a FIRE

How To Get Started on ActiveRain

How To Get Started on ActiveRain – A quick route to a successful Journey on ActiveRain. The ActiveRain Staff,  along with our members and ambassadors, wish to welcome you to the community.  We know you have a choice, and we’re glad you’ve chosen our network as a place to connect with others, support your local