140 Twitter Marketing Success Tips

Finding the Top 10 Ways to do anything is always valuable to someone, but 140 ways to be successful with marketing on Twitter should be valuable to everybody, even to those who have little or no interest and are not yet currently active or engaging others on Twitter.  Check it out, here’s just a few

Facebook Timeline Review Tutorial

Facebook now allows you to be notified first of tagged posts and images before they appear on your timeline. This is a great feature if you don’t like stuff showing up on your wall that you haven’t reviewed and approved of first. How many times have you had to go into Facebook and hide or

How To Backup ALL Your Social Media

Many of us spend hours of our lives posting content on Social media sites like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, LinkedIN, and Pinterest etc.  Some folks have been doing this for many years. Online networking and collaboration have become a dominant part of our daily routines.  According to this study conducted by Nielsen back

Walkscore Seeks Real Estate Experts

Be A Local Real Estate Expert on WalkScore It’s time to get a haircut, do you seek an expert? If your car won’t start, is that when an expert mechanic comes in handy? How about chest pain, would you prefer the advice/help of an expert doctor? None of these are as expensive as buying/selling a

LinkedIN Adds Member Endorsements

LinkedIN was one of the very first social media type sites on the scene, and they still remain one of the Top and most important sites for business professionals to have a presence and a member profile. LinkedIN continues to improve by adding new and innovative ways of bringing value to their site and members. 

Business Directories For Local Marketing

Using Online Business Directories For Local Marketing There are two types of people in the Business world today; those that know you, and those that don’t. The ones that know you will simply pick up the phone and call or send you a text message or email. The ones that don’t know you will hopefully

How To Revoke Apps Accessing Twitter

How do you revoke all those 3rd party Apps that are accessing your Twitter account in the background? When was the last time you even checked to see who’s been granted access to all your Twitter content? Have you ever even checked? Me either, and there were 77 apps using my Twitter data and feeds

Coolest Websites and Online Tools 2012

Each year I try to compile a list of my favorite websites and tools to share with friends. In this post you’ll find a little something for everyone.  It has taken me most of the year to find, discover, research, and gather all the information and links to the sites and online tools below in

How To Easily Print Anything Remotely

Have you ever needed to print a document or anything while away from your office or out on the road? I have, and on multiple occasions so in this post I wanted to share a simple solution. Just in case you ever find yourself in this same situation or scenario, here’s what you can do.

3D Presentations for Real Estate

3D Prezi presentations will take your real estate presentations to the next level for buyers and sellers. Imagine sitting with any client at their home or your office and sharing a 3D presentation like this one. Awesome pictures combined with compelling content will deliver amazing results if you use this combination effectively. 3D Backgrounds –