30 Webinars That Help Your Business

FREE WordPress Blogs Jamie Ohler Win More Listings With Video Michael Gwynn Listing Syndication Jack Miller Making a Difference Ben Kinney 5000 Free Buyer Leads Philip Kennedy Real Estate Agent Websites Premier Agent 201 On-boarding Building Your Fantasy Team The New Top 10 Pro’s List Mobile IS Global Mobile Real Estate and Bus Apps REALTOOLS

SOAR Mobile Technology “LIVE” Seminar

Mobile Technology is THE global conduit connecting millions of users in business and social media across the globe. Three mobile devices sell in the retail environment to every one desktop and laptop computer.  The tablet, pads, and mobile cell phones and devices are dominating the mobile technology world and it’s obvious why. Come find out

150 SMS Sites, Services & Online Tools

These are some of the top 150+ sites and services where I have either signed up, created a profile, started a blog, connected with a friend or client, posted some photos or videos, recorded an audio file, done some live streaming, recommended to another associate or just visited because I was intrigued and wanted to

Your Content Is No Longer King

The Context WAR! According to the passionate “Crush It!” Wine guy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Context is the new King. We always here about “Content Being King” but Gary V is opening some eyes willing to go outside the box into an area that is begging some recognition and that is context. Content Is No Longer King?!?!

How To Become a Real Estate Tweaker

Become a Real Estate Tweaker – As Told By a Real Estate Speaker! How can you “Tweak” your business to increase your bottom line?What tools and technologies including CRM can you incorporate to convert and close more contacts to life-long clients? Take a listen to Ben Kinney as he shares tips, tools, and secrets that

MySpace Using Music for Comeback

Are they attempting to “Save MySpace with Music” or are they “Singing the Blues?” One of the first and most popular social networks at the time, Myspace (now under new ownership and management) is trying to make a comeback using music as the tool or bait to lure the community back in.  Really? Will “The

Is Gen Y Tech Savvy or Dependent

This week is the California Association of REALTORS® (CAR) EXPO in San Jose California. One of the luncheon speakers this year was guest Jason Dorsey, a recognized “Gen Y” representative who spoke to the group about how Gen Y IS ready to buy.  The information Jason shared in a more than enthusiastic and exciting manner

Twylah for Twitter Branded Pages

Twylah offers and creates Twitter Business and Personal Brand Pages. Twylah consolidates and sorts out your tweets into an easy to read and understand page that will engage and keep your readers and followers longer.  The formatted page is cleaner and neater than trying to follow a twitter stream on your profile page or on

How To Manage Your Twitter Community

Socialbro is a product EVERY Twitter user must at least investigate and research (and eventually will) if they want to take the maximum advantage of managing and analyzing their twitter account, followers, and community.  The information, tools, and reports available from Socialbro will rock your world. Watch this video then just try to resist SocialBro.com 

How To Add Google +1 To Websites

Now that Google +1 is starting to make its way into the streamline WebSphere as a significant player, I seem to be getting more and more requests asking how to add the Google +1 feature to websites and blogs etc.  The link below will help you create and Customize your +1 button and +Snippet. Adding