Get a WiKi – With Just One Clicky

What is a Wiki?  Many of you have probably heard of WikiPedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Currently there are 2,457,781 articles in English on their site.  Many Bloggers link to Wikipedia for explanations and definitions of odd and peculiar terms, words or phrases.  What’s it for? You’ll find numerous links to overviews,


I’m looking for a bumper sticker that says, “My other car is a Brand Spanking New Model 2.0 Blog.” Many of you know that I am a total gadget, widget, and techy kinda guy. When I’m not out trying to find title orders and escrows, or helping my clients find buyers and sellers, I like

It’s a language, and new way of communication! LOL, L8R, and TTFN… :-)

 Have you noticed that many Bloggers, and other Internet users, have a very different form of communication these days?  It is the use of symbols, combinations of letters, and numbers on their Blogs, comments, text messages, emails and other forms of Internet communications.  What do all these things mean?  I happen to use "  🙂  " alot!  Maybe even too


Are you due?  I know I was!!  How can you tell if you are?  Just go on one and you'll know.  You Are Due!! I just spent the last 5 days with my Family at Disneyland (the happiest place on earth besides AR) We hadn't been there in almost 10 years.  WOW!  What a change!  The trip