Creating Hotspot Links on Pictures

This is an example of an online office, but as you can see… I’ve stepped away. The image below is loaded with links and labels which will provide you access to the stuff that I think you might need or at least be interested in while I’m out.  Go ahead and feel free to click

How To Add a Quiz To Video

How do you add a customized quiz at the end of your video? First of all you might be asking yourself why you’d want to? One reason would be to see how well your message was delivered? Based on the quiz results, you could determine the effectiveness of your content?  I bet you can think

10 Tools for Better Visual Delivery

Infographics, images, and video etc. can take a dry wall of words and convert the message into an eye catching, much more exciting and effective delivery for your topic.  Communicate using these tools, and really get your point across. These are just a few of my favorite resources and sites available for creating very compelling

How To Create A Free Mobile App

Do you have a mobile app? How about for your business?  You know, one that your clients can download and use on their mobile devices?  If you’re considering an app for mobile, you’re in the right spot. Let me show you how to create a mobile app that can be shared with anyone who has

TOP 100 IOS Apps for Real Estate

These are the top 100 apps for IOS devices if you’re in real estate. While the purpose is to share apps geared toward real estate industry professionals, many of these apps will be useful to ANY mobile business person who wants to simplify and maximize their mobile IOS experience. You’ll find a variety of apps