Google Alerts – Staying Alerted

Have you ever wondered how other people find your Blog when you have written a post about them?  How do they do that?  I used to ask myself this question all the time.  Many of the comments on my Blog lately have asked me, “Where do you come up with all this stuff?”  This post

Real Estate Video Hosting – Dare To Compare

Here are 5 common Real Estate Video Hosting Sites that I wanted to test and compare. This is to demonstrate the quality of each host. I used the same exact video for each site. It’s a 2 minute video tutorial that I uploaded to the following locations. Play them, compare, and then you decide. These

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts is a great 3rd party add-on to the Mozilla Firefox Browser.  Lately, the emails and calls have been coming in about how to setup AR Blogs, get API’s, and how to use Scribefire with ActiveRain Blog posts.  First off, the reason I mention Scribefire

Real Estate Market Domination

Real Estate Market Domination?  Now that’s a title that should peak the interests of ANYONE in Real Estate!! This is going to be the Real Estate Industry’s “BEST EVENT” for 2010!  It’s going to be really hard for me to make this NOT sound like a sales pitch, but I’m just really excited to be

ActiveBrad’s TOP FREE Picks who also runs contacted me last week, they wanted to know if I would write an article for their magazines this week.  Zipporah Porton, Senior Editor, asked for Active Brad’s Top FREE sites or web-tools for REALTORS®.  WOW!  That’s a BIG task.  There are so many FREE websites and applications on the WEB,

Widgets: How to Add Them to Your Blog

How do you add “Widgets” to your Active Rain Blog?  You can only add them to either your profile page, your posts, or in the right side column on your main Blog page.  These instructions are to add a Widget to your Blog under your photo, the same as you see on mine. The first step is to select

Target Marketing your Real Estate Business

What is Target Marketing? I like to refer to it as laser surgery. While many Realtors, before building their referral business, try Farming as a way to generate buyers and sellers, I have found that most will use geographic and neighborhood Farming as a first resort. The are lot’s of Farming ideas out there to be