Blogging Steps and Cycle For Success

Real Estate Blogging – The Steps & Cycle For Success Are you a REALTOR or BROKER Blogging? Why are you Blogging? Who is your audience? What are you Blogging about?  What are your ultimate intentions? What are your goals and desired results?  Do you have a plan in place for success?  Of course you do,

Improve Video and Images for Higher Ranking in Search Engines

How To Improve your Video and Images for Higher Ranking in the Search Engines. Acquiring SEO and traffic to your Blog or Website using great content, titles, descriptions, and keywords etc. has always been a subtle yet powerful strategy in the Blogging community.  Many new businesses and individuals don’t start off blogging or creating websites

Who Cares About Your Local Real Estate Market

Nobody cares about your local Real estate market like you do! Lets also not forget about the others who own, rent, buy, sell, borrow, work, play, eat, sleep, and are considering living there too?  When a home becomes available for sale on your street in YourCity, YS. aren’t you often more interested in the sales

API – Making Your Site A Powerful Tool and RE-Source

API Making Your Site A Powerful Tool & Source of Information What is an API? It’s the acronym for “Application Programming Interface” and it has great value once you understand what it is and how it works.  Many have seen the term (API) around for quite some time, but figured it’s just some techno-jargon that

How To Backup and Export Your ActiveRain Blog Posts

How To Backup and Export Your Blog Posts – ActiveRain NEW Feature On August 18 @ noon CST, we launched the ability for members to export all of their blog entries to a single, compressed XML file. Its open nature will allow for the development of third-party import tools. Exporting your posts from ActiveRain has

Setting Your Financial Real Estate Goals

Setting Your Financial Real Estate Goals Here’s a tool I created back when I was in Title and Escrow. I’ve used this in the past to help Brokers and Agents with their financial goals. I called it Agent Assist because that’s exactly what it was created for, to assist them in reaching their income goals.