Eminent Domain

I had a Real Estate Agent in Solano County today, ask me if title insurance would protect her from eminent domain?  I have never encountered this question in my many years of experience.  So being intrigued, I was just wondering, has anyone lost property in this manner or know someone who has?  It is a rare occurrence.                                   

Blogging Steps and Cycle For Success

Real Estate Blogging – The Steps & Cycle For Success Are you a REALTOR or BROKER Blogging? Why are you Blogging? Who is your audience? What are you Blogging about?  What are your ultimate intentions? What are your goals and desired results?  Do you have a plan in place for success?  Of course you do,

Improve Video and Images for Higher Ranking in Search Engines

How To Improve your Video and Images for Higher Ranking in the Search Engines. Acquiring SEO and traffic to your Blog or Website using great content, titles, descriptions, and keywords etc. has always been a subtle yet powerful strategy in the Blogging community.  Many new businesses and individuals don’t start off blogging or creating websites

RE Tech World Launches New Site

RE Tech World Launches New SiteReal Estate Technology is one of the most difficult things to get your arms around. Between all the Social Media Marketing and Networking tools and applications, it seems that there is no human way possible to keep up with it all.  “”It’s like trying to drink out of a FIRE

How To Get Started on ActiveRain

How To Get Started on ActiveRain – A quick route to a successful Journey on ActiveRain. The ActiveRain Staff,  along with our members and ambassadors, wish to welcome you to the community.  We know you have a choice, and we’re glad you’ve chosen our network as a place to connect with others, support your local