10 Top Ways and Tools to Use Video

Video is a powerful way to deliver any message to any audience. Since the birth of television, video (both recorded and live) has been the #1 media platform to reach any target audience anywhere across the globe. Now, with Internet access and the ability for anyone to post video for FREE, it’s amazing that more

Property Postlets Produce Prospects

This example of a Property Postlet from Postlets.com shows how you can use this FREE online tool to embed listed and rental properties on a variety of different blogs and websites around the web. THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE, NOT AN ACTUAL PROPERTY AVAILABLE Postlets is also a syndication site and tool that propagates these

How To Add Real Estate Radio Player

There are three types of audiences in the world today: The reader, the watcher, and the listener. Blogging is a great way to connect with readers and video is the best way to connect with watchers. So how do you supply for the demand of the listeners on the web?  Try the Real Estate Radio

150 SMS Sites, Services & Online Tools

These are some of the top 150+ sites and services where I have either signed up, created a profile, started a blog, connected with a friend or client, posted some photos or videos, recorded an audio file, done some live streaming, recommended to another associate or just visited because I was intrigued and wanted to

Online Sharing Made Easy and Free

How To Share Your Computer Screen with others over the Internet for FREE Join.me is a fantastic site for sharing your computer screen over the web with others for FREE.  It’s the easiest way to share a website, document, application, or screen view with anyone you choose over the Internet. This is a Desktop View

MySpace Using Music for Comeback

Are they attempting to “Save MySpace with Music” or are they “Singing the Blues?” One of the first and most popular social networks at the time, Myspace (now under new ownership and management) is trying to make a comeback using music as the tool or bait to lure the community back in.  Really? Will “The

Twylah for Twitter Branded Pages

Twylah offers and creates Twitter Business and Personal Brand Pages. Twylah consolidates and sorts out your tweets into an easy to read and understand page that will engage and keep your readers and followers longer.  The formatted page is cleaner and neater than trying to follow a twitter stream on your profile page or on

How To Manage Your Twitter Community

Socialbro is a product EVERY Twitter user must at least investigate and research (and eventually will) if they want to take the maximum advantage of managing and analyzing their twitter account, followers, and community.  The information, tools, and reports available from Socialbro will rock your world. Watch this video then just try to resist SocialBro.com 

How To Add Google +1 To Websites

Now that Google +1 is starting to make its way into the streamline WebSphere as a significant player, I seem to be getting more and more requests asking how to add the Google +1 feature to websites and blogs etc.  The link below will help you create and Customize your +1 button and +Snippet. Adding

Add Historical Photos On Google Maps

Now YOU can help put history in its place. WhatWasThere.com in conjunction with Google Maps has created a really cool site where YOU can help keep part of our history and heritage alive. If a photo can really tell a thousand stories, then this site will unveil millions of tales. Have you ever gone to