How to Create Blog Post for Clients and Search Engines

How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines.   There are three important audiences to be writing for: 1. Other members and friends of your Social Networks. 2. Consumers, Subscribers, and a Target Audience of readers.  3. Search Engines.  I’m sure this is preaching to the choir, but this is important information

Agent Assist – Realtor Software

Sometime around 1998, I went to a business planning seminar for Realtors in San Francisco. The guest speaker and presenter was Mike Ferry.  Agents spent a lot of money to come see how to create an effective business plan and set their goals to be successful in Real Estate.  Over 350 agents attended this Goal Planning seminar. 

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts is a great 3rd party add-on to the Mozilla Firefox Browser.  Lately, the emails and calls have been coming in about how to setup AR Blogs, get API’s, and how to use Scribefire with ActiveRain Blog posts.  First off, the reason I mention Scribefire

RE Tech World Launches New Site

RE Tech World Launches New SiteReal Estate Technology is one of the most difficult things to get your arms around. Between all the Social Media Marketing and Networking tools and applications, it seems that there is no human way possible to keep up with it all.  “”It’s like trying to drink out of a FIRE

How To Get Started on ActiveRain

How To Get Started on ActiveRain – A quick route to a successful Journey on ActiveRain. The ActiveRain Staff,  along with our members and ambassadors, wish to welcome you to the community.  We know you have a choice, and we’re glad you’ve chosen our network as a place to connect with others, support your local