How To Add .PDF Files To Your Blog Post and Website

How To Add a .PDF File To Your Blog Post or Website Once you’ve learned to add photos, embed video and audio files, create hyper-links and anchor text etc, inevitably you’ll want to know how you can add a .pdf file to your Blog post.  An Adobe Acrobat .PDF (Portable Document Format) file is a

Google Alerts – Staying Alerted

Have you ever wondered how other people find your Blog when you have written a post about them?  How do they do that?  I used to ask myself this question all the time.  Many of the comments on my Blog lately have asked me, “Where do you come up with all this stuff?”  This post

☂ ActiveRain at REBarCamp – LIVE Updates and Real-Time Feeds ☚

Follow us and enjoy what’s going on in Houston Texas at the REBarCamp this year.  We’ll be posting Audio, Photos, Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Links, and Updates in up-to-the-minute, real time “LIVE” feeds to this post.  I’m including the Utterli Widget, UStream.TV Widget, and Twitter to keep you informed of all that’s happening at this event. 

Widgets: How to Add Them to Your Blog

How do you add “Widgets” to your Active Rain Blog?  You can only add them to either your profile page, your posts, or in the right side column on your main Blog page.  These instructions are to add a Widget to your Blog under your photo, the same as you see on mine. The first step is to select

Building Blocks for Better Blogs and Business

While it was with every intention I planned on sharing this presentation at the RainStorm this past weekend, somehow my final decision to do so was influenced by the environment, the ambiance, and the folks I was fortunate to be surrounded by at the Ultra Heat Lounge in Anaheim.  There was a great line-up of

How To Track and Monitor Your Blog Statistics and Traffic

5 Tools and Resources for Tracking and Monitoring Your Blog or sites Traffic and Statistics Now that you are getting more traffic and results from your Blog posts, it’s helpful and very informative to see where that traffic is coming from and what articles are getting you a variety of results.  I’ve put together this

20 Google Tools for Your Business

These are some really great tools that are ALL provided by Google for FREE. It’s obvious that they are on a mission to remain the leader in Internet services and tools for us in our business. You will have seen some of these before, but I am certain you have not seen or used them

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts is a great 3rd party add-on to the Mozilla Firefox Browser.  Lately, the emails and calls have been coming in about how to setup AR Blogs, get API’s, and how to use Scribefire with ActiveRain Blog posts.  First off, the reason I mention Scribefire