A Google Full Featured Task Manager

Is your Task Manager available online? Do you have a task manager that is accessible in the cloud and fully featured that integrates with the power-house player Google? Here’s a very cool option for Google users. GQueues is a simple task manager that integrates your daily tasks and projects and features Google calendar integration.  The

How To Dominate Market Using Video

So What happens 200 Million times a day?  This Is No Joke! Videos get viewed on mobile devices according to Michael Krisa, founder of ThatInterviewGuy.com.  Michael will be joining me this next week to show you how to dominate your market using video. Tom Ferry recommended that I hook up with Michael during his last

How To Grow Your SOI on Facebook

The best way to “Grow Your Social SOI on Facebook” is to GET OFF YOUR WALL!  –  Let me explain… I just read an article about a new product called “Social Essentials” where Comscore and Facebook are teaming up to provide a new service that will offer unprecedented insights into the influence of brands on

FREE Real Estate Training and Support

This August we are offering some great free training and support webinars, take a look then RSVP. We’re also presenting some of the Greatest Speakers and Industry Trainers, see below. AUGUST 2011 – TRAINING & SUPPORT CALENDAR FREE Real Estate Support and Training Webinars ZILLOW ACADEMY WELCOMES VIP SPECIAL GUESTS Look who’s coming to Zillow

The Ultimate Facebook Guide

Do you ever wonder if you’re using Facebook to it’s fullest potential? Are you using it properly and effectively? Can you be certain that you’re aware of all the tools available and that your design, content and implementation is the best it can be?  There’s no way to tell for sure, or to keep up

Delivering Blog Content & Growing Traffic

Email Blogging Delivers Content and Grows Traffic There was a time where a post like this would start off with, “Do You Have A Blog?”  It’s no longer a question as to whether you should have one or not but how good is your content and how are you marketing it?  Are you delivering great

Nobody Clicks On Page Two… SEO?

My favorite title so far this year!!  It’s a blatantly obvious term and title, but one I think many overlook when creating their web presence for their profile or their business.  The point of  “Search Engine Optimization” is to be found via the results from someone else’s search terms, words, or phrases in the search

Tag Galaxy for Creative Photo Searches

Tag Galaxy is a site that lets you enter any “Tag” or “Keywords” or phrases then brings back all the related photos found that may match your search results. At first, I didn’t think much of it until I started selectively picking specific keywords and tags that brought back some really interesting and fun results.

Free Image, Graphics and Photo Sites

Just because you can right click on and save any image on the internet to your computer doesn’t mean that you should.  Using saved images you’ve borrowed, photos that you’ve captured and saved or STOLEN, is definitely a no-no in the eyes of copyright attorneys and can be a costly mistake  if and when you