The Ultimate WEB 2.0 Business Card

Today I was reading Russell Lewis’s post about “The Trials and Trepidations” regarding Business Cards.  The video “Your Business Card Is Crap” he has posted is very interesting and is actually what sucked me into the “Think and Wonder” tank today.  How valuable is your business card these days?  What do people do with them?  What

10,000 Blog Comments

A picture tells a thousand stories. Well these pictures tell 10,000 stories. I was going to write each of you a personal thank you letter or an email, but when I realized how many of you read and comment on my Blog, I had second thoughts! LOL!~ Seriously though, My Blog hit 10,000 comments this

Will It Ever Close?

This is probably the most often asked question by sellers of "Real Property" in our industry.  In fact, it may also be the most common question from Buyers, Lenders, Agents, Title companies and others too!   Here's a post featuring the "Lighter side" of this $64,000.00 question.  I know these have really happened to some of us, but try to see the