US Home Values and Mortgage Market Rates – Interactive Charts

Today I was snooping around our site trying to find something for an agent when I discovered the following US Home Values Index chart.  This is not what I was looking for, but after I found it, I was actually very impressed and got so excited, I forgot what I was originally looking for?  It

Yahoo! MyBlogLog to be Discontinued

Yahoo! MyBlogLog to be Discontinued (Just to clarify the title, I’m not saying Yahoo that MyBlogLog is going away either…) They’ll come and they’ll go. Some will stay, others just won’t stand the test of time.  The announcement that MyBlogLog will be discontinued came as a surprise to me this morning.  For those not familiar

Convert Your Blog To Audio in 60 Seconds

I’ve noticed the fonts on many Blog Posts are getting larger these days.  I do appreciate any assistance I can get with not having to wear my glasses to read your posts.  Now there’s a way to have your posts read themselves out loud to your subscribers and visitors.  It’s called Odiogo.  It converts your

Building Blocks for Better Blogs and Business

While it was with every intention I planned on sharing this presentation at the RainStorm this past weekend, somehow my final decision to do so was influenced by the environment, the ambiance, and the folks I was fortunate to be surrounded by at the Ultra Heat Lounge in Anaheim.  There was a great line-up of

Youtube and Your Real Estate Videos

Many of us use Youtube to host a variety of Real Estate and personal videos. I noticed that when videos are done playing, in most cases, other videos will pop up on the screen that have a similar topic or title.  Does this hurt or help you?  I guess this depends on how you “see”

ActiveBrad’s TOP FREE Picks who also runs contacted me last week, they wanted to know if I would write an article for their magazines this week.  Zipporah Porton, Senior Editor, asked for Active Brad’s Top FREE sites or web-tools for REALTORS®.  WOW!  That’s a BIG task.  There are so many FREE websites and applications on the WEB,