30 Years Committed to Industry Education

My Real Estate Industry Journey – A 31+ Year Career Looking Back and with No Regrets. Reminiscing back on more than 30+ years of serving the real estate industry, consumers, real estate professionals and corporations within the real estate space, I consider it a true honor and blessing to have served. This is a great time in

Reaching Millions – The American Dream

Well this is just one way to do it, but other than radio, television was one of the first and most effective ways companies reached audiences across the country before the Internet and world wide web were available. Today, many companies are using viral media, social media marketing, crowd sourcing and other means to reach

Zillow Provides RE Training and Support

Agent Ratings and Reviews “Zillow now surfaces thousands of Real Estate agent ratings and reviews.  Consumers can now search and find local agents based on Client feedback” The response and results from this new feature have been very positive and successful.  Agent reviews are now featured on the Buyer’s Agent List and Agent profile. DID

Top 10 Cool Tools to Share

When I joined Zillow about 6-7 weeks ago, many friends and associates here asked me to keep them posted about my new position over at Zillow.  So far, it’s been an incredible blast and the time has simply flown by.  I’m really enjoying the privilege of getting to be in both places, Zillow and here

API – Making Your Site A Powerful Tool and RE-Source

API Making Your Site A Powerful Tool & Source of Information What is an API? It’s the acronym for “Application Programming Interface” and it has great value once you understand what it is and how it works.  Many have seen the term (API) around for quite some time, but figured it’s just some techno-jargon that

Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – A Time and A Place

Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – How To Create and Setup Ads Your ActiveRain BLOG is not necessarily the best place to be marketing and advertising your goods or services to other ActiveRain members.  Promoting and marketing yourself is great but is there a more effective and efficient way than using your Blog to do

Zillow Quick Tour and Navigation

Last week, I was helping a member over the phone and she said to me, “I don’t see on the site where I can answer questions, join the directory, get widgets, or download any mobile apps?”  She didn’t realize that the tabs at the top of the page open up when you hover your mouse