Making Business Listings Rank Higher

Enhance Your Business Listing – Rank Higher and More Often Having your Local Business Listed on the web is important for its future survival.  Claiming your listing will help give you more control over how the search engines index you and will also help prevent spammers from hijacking it.  There’s also a good chance it

Ignite 2010 Real Estate Marketing Summit – "LIVE" in Austin Texas

Ignite 2010 Real Estate Marketing Summit – Austin Texas An exploration of “Next Generation” Real Estate Marketing Strategies. Join us! We’re broadcasting sessions from the two-day Ignite Real Estate Marketing Summit. Watch speakers “live” as they provide insight on managing efficient teams and building success in 2010.  This event is hosted by QuantumDigital. EDIT: 1/21/10

RainMakers Danced For Rain

In a time not long ago, when the crops were dry, and communities were losing their families and neighbors, Rainmakers were the individuals that were looked up to and counted on for saving their people.  These were the folks that in spite of tough and troubling times, were the chosen ones to dance, smile, and