Short Calendar with Email Distribution

Create Daily Tasks and Share with Short Calendar I have always been a big fan of really simple tools that do simple tasks really well. Here’s one that is no exception to that rule. Short Calendar lets you select any given seven days. It’s a free online tool that creates week long agendas in the

The Global Social Media Epidemic

Lets face it, Social Networking use to mean getting together at a local event to meet and greet others, exchange information and business cards, and even rub elbows with influential people that you could build deep and meaningful relationships with that could impact your business or personal lives. Today it’s a quick text message or

Backup Facebook for Timeline

Facebook is going to transition all users and pages to Facebook timelines today! My personal recommendation is that you backup all your content on your profile and all your business and fan pages.  When I transitioned to the new timeline format as one of their early adopters, just over 1000 of my personal friends were

How To Blog Real Estate Listings

Are you posting your clients listings on a Blog or Website? How are you keeping it updated and current?  What happens to that post when the home is sold?  Does your post still show up in the SERPS? (Search Engine Results Page)  If so, how useful is that post to a consumer or potential prospect

Get Internet Access Via Your Mobile

Have you ever wanted or needed access to the Internet from your laptop but were unable to get or find WiFi?  If you have a cell phone mobile device, this may be the answer to all your future challenges.  How about using your cell phone as a modem or in this case, as a “tethering”

Top 10 Web Addictions With No Cure

Are You Connected?  Or Are You Addicted? Is the Internet really just another tool, resource, and way to get information? Many are in denial but the truth is that there is an epidemic of massive proportions called “WEB ADDICTION” and to date, no real focus on a cure.  Society has accepted that, for the most

PicMonkey Launches Photo Editing

PicMonkey is the newest FREE online photo and graphics editor to the Internet scene. closing has created quite a ruckus, but there are so many great replacement sites and PicMonkey is another one to watch and add to your photo-editors list.  The features and tools are very easy to use and navigating around the

5 Tips To Create A Startup Business

There are but a few critical pieces needed to create a successful start-up business today.  In this example, you’ll see that it doesn’t take much and that it all stems from a simple GREAT idea that you can expand on and yet still have fun at the same time. Here’s five important pieces of the

Top Real Estate Video Listings

Among the thousands of real estate video listings scattered across the web on various sites and blogs, these few really stand out and for obvious reasons.  Each of these Real Estate Listing Videos offers something unique, creative and obviously took some time and money to create and produce. As a real estate professional, many already