Coolest Websites and Online Tools 2012

Each year I try to compile a list of my favorite websites and tools to share with friends. In this post you’ll find a little something for everyone.  It has taken me most of the year to find, discover, research, and gather all the information and links to the sites and online tools below in

How To Easily Print Anything Remotely

Have you ever needed to print a document or anything while away from your office or out on the road? I have, and on multiple occasions so in this post I wanted to share a simple solution. Just in case you ever find yourself in this same situation or scenario, here’s what you can do.

Reaching Millions – The American Dream

Well this is just one way to do it, but other than radio, television was one of the first and most effective ways companies reached audiences across the country before the Internet and world wide web were available. Today, many companies are using viral media, social media marketing, crowd sourcing and other means to reach

3D Presentations for Real Estate

3D Prezi presentations will take your real estate presentations to the next level for buyers and sellers. Imagine sitting with any client at their home or your office and sharing a 3D presentation like this one. Awesome pictures combined with compelling content will deliver amazing results if you use this combination effectively. 3D Backgrounds –

Who’s Unfriended You on Facebook

Yesterday 500 friends on Facebook… today 499? I know it’s not a big deal to some, and in many cases it’s just because someone probably deleted their Facebook account, but I personally cannot help from wondering if I pissed someone off when this happens?  This time I want and need to know? Do you know

Real Estate Video Guerrilla Marketing

Real estate marketing and advertising video these days leaves little or no room for a shaky, word wasting, time sucking video that most people are shooting with their mobile devices, flip video, or digital cameras.  No longer will a virtual tour of walking up the stairs while huffing and puffing, out of breathe, while showing

Aerial and 360 Panoramic Photo Tours

Point and shoot flat file photography  (the most common and simplest form of photography) may just be on its way out.  Photography, imagery, and graphics are among the most popular and sought after items on the Internet running a close second to video.  This post is all about taking photography and images to the next