Email Marketing That Doesn’t Suck

News flash folks – Email is the BEST Social Media of All. Did you know that 100% of people who have an email address (that’s everybody) delete at least 30% of their unopened email?  And they do it everyday!  This is called click-through and open rate.  If your email is spammy, the subject line stinks,

Google’s New Privacy Policy & TOS

Google claims they are getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that’s a lot shorter and easier to read. Their new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting their desire to create one simple and intuitive experience across Google. Read their updated Privacy Policy and Terms of

101 Famous Internet Marketing Quotes

Can any one single “Quote” really do anything for your business and marketing efforts? Maybe… maybe not, but having 100 plus quotes might be a different story.  These 100 plus famous Internet marketing quotes will change the way you think and approach marketing your business and products on the Internet. Be sure to read and

Free Photo & Graphic Editing Sites

There is so much concern and “Buzz” about Google shutting down the site, so I decided to provide you with some alternative tools for editing and customizing your graphics, photos, and images.   While will be shutting down in April 2012, here are some other options you have available immediately and for FREE.

Google is Closing Down Picnik

It’s true., owners of will be shutting down the site on April 19th, 2012.  I’m totally bummed.  I’m one of those thousands of people that used Picnik’s photo editing tools on a regular basis.  I’m really going to miss this site and all of its easy image and graphic editing features. Some of

RECloudCamp for Real Estate

RECloudCamp for Real Estate is the Real Deal! Many real estate Industry professionals have been to REBarCamp events all across the US.  REBarCamps started in San Francisco a few years back and became one of the more popular One-Day Real Estate events to attend if you’re in the business.  They were coined as the unconference.  

Facebook Bugs and Known Issues

Did you know there are literally millions of frustrated Facebook users?  There are hundreds, maybe thousands of known glitches, bugs, and malfunctions on the site. I had no idea it was this bad until I did about 2 minutes worth of research only to discover that there is no help, no support staff to assist

3 Top Keyword Tools for Bloggers

Search engines like Google focus on returning the best quality and “Best Available” SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages)  It’s all based on what “Keywords” or phrases are being typed into the Search box.  Search engines simply want to return the best available matching content based on both short-tail and long-tail keyword searches. Keywords are closely

Mozilla Firefox is Different By Design

The new Mozilla Firefox update has some great new features and enhancements, but what I really like is the video message they have shipped with the new upgrade. They aren’t public, they don’t have a profit margin, they don’t shake the same hands as everyone else, but they’re a pack of independently spirited, fiercely unconventional

The Future is Social, Mobile and Local

SMM – SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING The future success of global business is definitely Social, Mobile, and Hyper-local period.  Successful businesses and entrepreneurs are looking to the Internet and all its resources to remain on top of the social media marketing and advertizing game.  Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn have long-term staying power and