US Home Values and Mortgage Market Rates – Interactive Charts

Today I was snooping around our site trying to find something for an agent when I discovered the following US Home Values Index chart.  This is not what I was looking for, but after I found it, I was actually very impressed and got so excited, I forgot what I was originally looking for?  It

API – Making Your Site A Powerful Tool and RE-Source

API Making Your Site A Powerful Tool & Source of Information What is an API? It’s the acronym for “Application Programming Interface” and it has great value once you understand what it is and how it works.  Many have seen the term (API) around for quite some time, but figured it’s just some techno-jargon that

How To Install and Customize Widgets

How To Install and Customize Widgets on Your Blogs, Posts, and Sites. In a previous post about the power and value of Widgets and Gadgets, I promised to provide a training class walking you through the most important steps in creating, selecting, installing, and customizing these little gizmo’s into your Blogs and Websites.  While the

Youtube Video Channels – There’s More That Meets The Eye

Introductions, Education, Information, Tools, Tips, News and Views are what many people on the Internet are still searching for and seeking out.  That’s exactly what we’re trying to provide for our Youtube “Video” visitors and guests, and you should be too. Youtube is STILL one of the top “most searched sites” on the Web. Having