5 Ways To Subscribe To Blogs

Active Rain has many fantastic Blogs and Writers.  They have also provided you with some useful tools to help you keep track and follow some of your favorite Bloggers and posts.  Here are 5 ways you can “Subscribe” or “Track” your Favs.  I will also cover how to “ADD” the subscribe link many of you

40 People Who Want More $$$$ for Your Listing Than Your Seller Does..

                                               When listing a sellers property, who do you think wants the home to sell for more than your seller does?  Doesn't everyone always want to offer the least amount (low ball offer) and get the best deal?  Is it remotely possible that there are people out there who actually want the home to sell

NEW MEMBERS – Start Here

Welcome Active Rain New Members & Invited Guests – If you are looking to Active Rain as a place to get rich quick, or just score points, you’re in the wrong spot.  However, if you’re looking to surround yourself with incredible knowledge, experienced professionals, worthy relationships, industry support, and marketing ideas to grow your business