3 Tips – How Google Buzz and Profiles Generate SEO and Business

3 Tips – Can Google Buzz really generate SEO and business? Is there a strategic way to use Google Buzz by mixing business and personal communications to generate ranking in search engines and at the same time, increase your visits and place in line making deposits at the local bank?  First tip: Stop standing in

32,000 Members – ONE VOICE!

The power of the people. Active Rain is a powerful network of people.  With more than 32,000 members, this is a huge representation of our Industry, and it’s still growing in leaps and bounds. Is Active Rain really the On-line National Association of Realtors and Affiliates?  It seems to me that when real issues need to be

The ActiveRain Guide

The ActiveRain Guide is “FINALLY” available but will probably never be completed. (LOL) It’s taken nearly two years for this project to get to this point… let me explain. When I joined ActiveRain back in February of 2007, there were no manuals, very few tutorials, only about 20,000 members, and I had no idea where

Add Value To Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow

ActiveRain University – How To Maximize Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow Join us for a FREE Webinar on March 29 Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that Sara Bonert (Director of Broker Services from Zillow) will be coming to ARU and sharing some tools you can use to bring greater value to

How To Get Started on ActiveRain

How To Get Started on ActiveRain – A quick route to a successful Journey on ActiveRain. The ActiveRain Staff,  along with our members and ambassadors, wish to welcome you to the community.  We know you have a choice, and we’re glad you’ve chosen our network as a place to connect with others, support your local