What Makes Your QR Code Unique

QR Codes can be a great tool but there are some things to consider before you go creating, copying, printing, and pasting them all over the web and God’s creation.  My first thought is that if I do see a QR Code anywhere, it better be worth it to me and offer enough value to

Google Considers SEO Not Spam

Matt Cutts from Google provides some great information and many answers to some of the tech related questions that come from end users and SEO (search engine optimization) enthusiasts like us.  The question by many today is, “Does Google consider SEO to be Spam”  and Matt explains clearly that the answer is no. There are

The Power of Twitter and Television

#Hashtags, @Tweeters, Curated Tweets, Retweets, and Live Tweeting? If you think that Twitter is not making an impact into every crack and crevice of the world including television, you are terribly mistaken. Twitter and TV are making a huge social media impact amongst viewers and tweeters. Chris Smith from Inman.Next just did a webinar titled

The Great Real Estate Summit 2011

This is one of those events that no one should miss if you’re in the real estate business. The good news is that you won’t have to miss it this year. In an attempt to give you plenty of advanced notice, you’ll want to register asap for the Real Estate Marketing Summit being held at

1001+ Real Estate Blogging Ideas

Are you looking for ideas and topics for your Blog?  I’ve spent a great deal of time researching many different sites, groups, forums, blogs, and social networks etc. looking for the “Best of the Best” ideas so you wouldn’t have to. Once you review these articles and blogging ideas, you’ll be armed and fully prepared

Prosper Private Money Loans Available

Have you heard of Prosper.com?  This is a new way for consumers and investors who want to borrow money and invest money to connect online.  Peer to peer private lending? Though it seems to me this might be a bit risky to say the least, especially for the investor, the fact remains that there are