Youtube and Your Real Estate Videos

Many of us use Youtube to host a variety of Real Estate and personal videos. I noticed that when videos are done playing, in most cases, other videos will pop up on the screen that have a similar topic or title.  Does this hurt or help you?  I guess this depends on how you “see”

The ActiveRain Guide

The ActiveRain Guide is “FINALLY” available but will probably never be completed. (LOL) It’s taken nearly two years for this project to get to this point… let me explain. When I joined ActiveRain back in February of 2007, there were no manuals, very few tutorials, only about 20,000 members, and I had no idea where

Zillow Quick Tour and Navigation

Last week, I was helping a member over the phone and she said to me, “I don’t see on the site where I can answer questions, join the directory, get widgets, or download any mobile apps?”  She didn’t realize that the tabs at the top of the page open up when you hover your mouse

Top Search Engines Reveal – Top RE Social Networks

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…  Let Google & Yahoo search them all…. What do people search for on Google? What do you search for on Yahoo?  What are clients, friends, and family searching for?  Seems our entire lives are spent in search of something?  The questions is, are we ever really finding exactly what it

Google Alerts – Staying Alerted

Have you ever wondered how other people find your Blog when you have written a post about them?  How do they do that?  I used to ask myself this question all the time.  Many of the comments on my Blog lately have asked me, “Where do you come up with all this stuff?”  This post

Real Estate Video Hosting – Dare To Compare

Here are 5 common Real Estate Video Hosting Sites that I wanted to test and compare. This is to demonstrate the quality of each host. I used the same exact video for each site. It’s a 2 minute video tutorial that I uploaded to the following locations. Play them, compare, and then you decide. These

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while