The Google Plus + Facebook Battle

Jimmy Mackin made the comment and asked the question in the tech support group for real estate agents on Facebook, “Google+ is about to hit 10,000,000 users. That’s approximately 5 Million new users per week. Can anyone guess (without Google) how many new users Facebook averages per week?” My email inbox these past few weeks

Facebook Profile Museum Using Intel uses Facebook profiles to create personal Museums of You. Just go to, share your Facebook profile, and Intel will compile numerous areas of yor content over time to create a fascination and entertaining Museum walk-thru of You. The only feature I’d like to see them add is the ability to put in a

Top Mobile Tools for Real Estate

Yesterday’s RainCamp in Seattle WA. was most likely one of the best times I’ve ever had on stage at one of these events. It was a privilege to wrap up Day One with sharing my Top Picks of Real estate sites and free tools on the web. As an added bonus for those who attended

Difference Between Leads and Contacts

There’s a difference between leads and contacts. When I first got into this industry back in the early 1800’s, (haha) my first impression of the term “lead generation” leaned more towards the vision of a detective at a crime scene getting a “lead” to help find his/her suspect or perpetrator. Years later, I still find