How To Add Blogs To Facebook

A complete step-by-step tutorial on how to add your Blog posts to Facebook. How do you make your specified blog posts show up on your Facebook Business or Fan pages automatically?  It is not too difficult but it will take some patience and these step-by-step instructions.  If you don’t have a Facebook Business or Fan

Mobile Device Apps for Business

This past week I was fortunate to attend and speak at the Wisconsin REALTOR Association Management Conference with a closing discussion about mobile technology. We shared some of the many ways that consumers and businesses are now using mobile devices and how this affects the real estate industry and businesses across the globe. MOBILE IS

Top Secret Tips for Long Tail Searches

Rand Fish of covers the long tail search and shares 13 Secrets with viewers wanting a better understanding of the Long Tail Keyword use and other metrics. This is one of the best video presentations of SEO long tail you’ll see or find on the web. SEOmoz is a fantastic site and resource for

Top Resource for Shared InfoGraphics

There is so much information available on the web today and in so many formats.  Imagery, video, blogs, and text articles etc. have consumed every square inch of real estate on the Internet.  The volume of content on the web is increasing at an unimaginable rate.  One very unique way information is now being delivered

Avoid The .COM 7% Price Increase

Word came to us today that the .COM prices are going to experience some inflation. According to Bob Parson, CEO and Founder at, On January 15, 2012, VeriSign®, the registry for .COM will increase prices – .COM will go up 7%.  That may not sound like much unless you own many domain names. How

The Best CRM’s for Real Estate

In your quest for the ultimate CRM solution in Real Estate, this will help you narrow down the search. Having traveled the country with an opportunity to speak to many successful agents and brokers, these are some of the best and most recommended CRM solutions being used in real estate today. You’ll need to do

Top 1000 Most Visited ClusterMap Sites

Clustermaps, a traffic reporting and analysis tool, reports their most trafficked sites on a daily basis.  The list is updated every day at midnight and then posted for the following 24 hours.  There are over 11 Billion maps currently being served across the web.  We’re excited to announce that we made the Top 1000 Most

How To Convert Online Contacts

Here are some tips for success when converting online contacts to clients.  Always be sure to focus on the customer and not the item or product for sale.  Understand the customer’s needs, don’t get distracted by the availability of the product or desired property.  Appreciate and respect the customer’s timeline, don’t pressure online contacts to

Secret Tips & Tricks for Youtube Video

Here’s a Secret Tip to Creating Links That Result in Full Screen Video Playback Have you ever wanted to add a link to your blog or website that would result in the user ending up on a full screen video?  Normally when someone clicks on a link to see a video, they end up on

10 Ways To Lose Online Business

These are just some of the ways I’ve seen both large and small business owners fail or lose business from their online efforts or lack thereof.  There is no perfect science for online success, but there are some simple principles and methods that should be considered if you’re serious about building and growing your online