The Best CRM’s for Real Estate

In your quest for the ultimate CRM solution in Real Estate, this will help you narrow down the search. Having traveled the country with an opportunity to speak to many successful agents and brokers, these are some of the best and most recommended CRM solutions being used in real estate today. You’ll need to do

Top 5 Real Estate Tips for 2012

These might seem simple and basic, but it’s some of “THE BEST ADVICE” I can impart. Having just returned from the NAR Convention and EXPO in Anaheim, I wanted to share some of the most valuable and beneficial business practices I was able to acquire from the many I had the chance to meet with

Contact Management for Business

If you can remember what you had for breakfast two weeks ago Tuesday, then you probably don’t need a CRM. That would mean you also know who you promised to contact two weeks from this Thursday as a follow-up call at 2:30pm. Most people can’t remember what they just read above so a good CRM

Contact Management for Business

Every successful small or large business is built on people and relationships. Having a database of clients and potential prospects is critical in any industry. My questions to you is this, “Do you really need a CRM or client/contact management system?” This might help you answer that question… What did you have for breakfast last