Export and Back up Your ActiveRain Blog

How to Export and Back up Your ActiveRain Blog Posts and Content I have received so many calls, emails, DM tweets and Facebook messages over the past three days regarding the ActiveRain site being down.  I know that with the changing of the guard there are probably going to be some stumbling blocks but I

The Blogging Success Cycle

The Blogging Success Cycle – Today we are talking about the key ingredients for a successful Blog.  If you’re looking to create a Successful Blogging Cycle, you’ve come to the right spot for some ideas, tips, tricks and techniques that have been proven over time to work for many individuals and businesses. Before You Begin: Some

Keep and Share Your Calendar

Zillow Academy launched a new calendar interface today using a much more robust and user friendly calendaring system. There are many calendar applications and sites on the web, but finding one that allows users to easily access specific days, weeks, and months without having to learn or navigate the interface seems like an ongoing task

How To Track and Monitor Your Blog Statistics and Traffic

5 Tools and Resources for Tracking and Monitoring Your Blog or sites Traffic and Statistics Now that you are getting more traffic and results from your Blog posts, it’s helpful and very informative to see where that traffic is coming from and what articles are getting you a variety of results.  I’ve put together this

Add Value To Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow

ActiveRain University – How To Maximize Your ActiveRain Blogs with Zillow Join us for a FREE Webinar on March 29 Hey Everyone, just wanted to let you all know that Sara Bonert (Director of Broker Services from Zillow) will be coming to ARU and sharing some tools you can use to bring greater value to

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while

☂ ActiveRain at REBarCamp – LIVE Updates and Real-Time Feeds ☚

Follow us and enjoy what’s going on in Houston Texas at the REBarCamp this year.  We’ll be posting Audio, Photos, Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Links, and Updates in up-to-the-minute, real time “LIVE” feeds to this post.  I’m including the Utterli Widget, UStream.TV Widget, and Twitter to keep you informed of all that’s happening at this event. 

Building Blocks for Better Blogs and Business

While it was with every intention I planned on sharing this presentation at the RainStorm this past weekend, somehow my final decision to do so was influenced by the environment, the ambiance, and the folks I was fortunate to be surrounded by at the Ultra Heat Lounge in Anaheim.  There was a great line-up of

Embed Youtube Video into Google Maps

How To Embed Your Youtube Video into Google Maps We had over 700 people register for the Youtube Video and Blogging Classes we held over at ActiveRain University this last month. In these sessions, we covered how to create and use video more effectively for your Blogs and websites. We shared some cool tips and