Create FREE iPhone HTML Signatures

Do you use your iPhone to send and receive email?  Don’t you hate that plain ol text email signature that by default reads “Sent from my iPhone” and that’s it?  You can customize your email settings to add more to the signature but there’s no way to add graphics, logos, images etc.   Cool Geex

Revolving Map Traffic & Stats Widget

In my daily quest and research endeavors for new widgets and gadgets, I stumbled across a pretty cool little widget that adds some movement to your page, captures the attention of your visitors with its unique “global” appearance and rotation, and tracks your visitors and traffic all while being simple to install and easy on

Microsoft Office 365 vs Google Gmail

In this corner, Microsoft Office 365 the challenger is taking on Google Gmail, the heavyweight Champion of the world in a 365-round bout that will be heard and seen around the world. While this site allows no gambling, make no mistake about it, bets are being placed. In this first round, Office 365 comes out

Mozilla Firefox Browser Super Speed

Who has time anymore these days to be waiting on your Internet browser to be loading sites with embedded videos, java, multi-media, large photos, graphics, widgets and plug-ins etc? The faster your browser, the happier you’ll be.  The newest version of the Mozilla Firefox browser won’t disappoint you.  Yes, Google’s Chrome is becoming an awesome

Googles New Youtube Reaction on Video

Google, the proud owners of Youtube launched the new “Reaction” feature today on Youtube videos.  Based on what I’ve already seen today on some of my Youtube videos, there’s definitely some mixed reactions not only with the use of this new feature, but the reactions within the feature as well. Google & Youtube employees are

A Google Full Featured Task Manager

Is your Task Manager available online? Do you have a task manager that is accessible in the cloud and fully featured that integrates with the power-house player Google? Here’s a very cool option for Google users. GQueues is a simple task manager that integrates your daily tasks and projects and features Google calendar integration.  The

Tag Galaxy for Creative Photo Searches

Tag Galaxy is a site that lets you enter any “Tag” or “Keywords” or phrases then brings back all the related photos found that may match your search results. At first, I didn’t think much of it until I started selectively picking specific keywords and tags that brought back some really interesting and fun results.

Microsoft’s Photosynth Panorama Photos

The ONLY way to shoot pictures with your mobile device.  A flat photo/picture tells a thousand stories, yes…  but a Microsoft Photosynth photo taken from your mobile device that allows viewers to interact, zoom in or out, embed and share with others tells a Million stories and will change the way people view and take

Contact Management for Business

Every successful small or large business is built on people and relationships. Having a database of clients and potential prospects is critical in any industry. My questions to you is this, “Do you really need a CRM or client/contact management system?” This might help you answer that question… What did you have for breakfast last