Zillow Quick Tour and Navigation

Last week, I was helping a member over the phone and she said to me, “I don’t see on the site where I can answer questions, join the directory, get widgets, or download any mobile apps?”  She didn’t realize that the tabs at the top of the page open up when you hover your mouse

At This Moment – A Social Media Way To Record and Share

This Moment – A new Social Media Way To Record and Share the past, the now, and the future! UPDATE: 12/18/2011 ThisMoment.com is no longer available. Like many others, they must have run out of money! What are you doing right at this very moment?  Well you’re reading this post obviously, but wouldn’t it be

How To Use Google’s Wonder Wheel

The Google Wonder Wheel Keyword Research Tool …is a keyword research utility that was created by Google Labs and allows users to discover keyword searches that are popular and built around certain specific keyword terms. Google’s wonder wheel could be a great tool for helping writers to find new topics. The wheel can also help

Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – A Time and A Place

Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – How To Create and Setup Ads Your ActiveRain BLOG is not necessarily the best place to be marketing and advertising your goods or services to other ActiveRain members.  Promoting and marketing yourself is great but is there a more effective and efficient way than using your Blog to do

Embed Youtube Video into Google Maps

How To Embed Your Youtube Video into Google Maps We had over 700 people register for the Youtube Video and Blogging Classes we held over at ActiveRain University this last month. In these sessions, we covered how to create and use video more effectively for your Blogs and websites. We shared some cool tips and

How To Track and Monitor Your Blog Statistics and Traffic

5 Tools and Resources for Tracking and Monitoring Your Blog or sites Traffic and Statistics Now that you are getting more traffic and results from your Blog posts, it’s helpful and very informative to see where that traffic is coming from and what articles are getting you a variety of results.  I’ve put together this

RE Tech World Launches New Site

RE Tech World Launches New SiteReal Estate Technology is one of the most difficult things to get your arms around. Between all the Social Media Marketing and Networking tools and applications, it seems that there is no human way possible to keep up with it all.  “”It’s like trying to drink out of a FIRE