40 People Who Want More $$$$ for Your Listing Than Your Seller Does..

                                               When listing a sellers property, who do you think wants the home to sell for more than your seller does?  Doesn't everyone always want to offer the least amount (low ball offer) and get the best deal?  Is it remotely possible that there are people out there who actually want the home to sell

Home Values on Your Phone?

This is a nifty little service that was introduced to me by fellow Active Rain member Stephen Joos who works with HouseFront.  At first it seemed to be just another widget, but after I researched it more, I found this to be quite a useful tool, not only for us industry “techies” but consumers as well.  You

The California Foreclosure Process & Timeline

The following time-line is applicable for California Non-Judicial Foreclosures under a deed of trust. Foreclosures begin when the Trustor (borrower) does not make the monthly payment to the Beneficiary (Lender). The first missed payment is a technical default, but in practical terms, most Beneficiaries do not begin the process until the third payment is missed.

Save $$$ On Your Property Taxes

Claim your homeowner’s exemption.  What is the homeowners’ exemption?  Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your home, which is determined by the County Assessor’s Office.  In this post, I am referring to Solano County in California.  If the home is your primary residence and you are not receiving another property tax exemption