Blogging and Time Management

One of the common concerns I hear from people about Blogging, is that they just don’t have the time.  Seriously though, we live in a world where Starbucks offers drive-thru coffee for those who don’t even have time to sit and enjoy it.  Everything in life seems to be go-go-go!  So maybe Blogging and Time

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts

How To Use ScribeFire to Enhance Your ActiveRain Blog Posts is a great 3rd party add-on to the Mozilla Firefox Browser.  Lately, the emails and calls have been coming in about how to setup AR Blogs, get API’s, and how to use Scribefire with ActiveRain Blog posts.  First off, the reason I mention Scribefire

What Is RainCamp™

What Is Real Estate RainCamp™ Real Estate RainCamp™ is a full day Conference/Seminar that is packed with valuable content, presentations, and some of the most useful and applicable ideas and processes that you can implement immediately into your Social Media, Networking, Blogging Strategy, and Business Plan.  RainCamp™ was created and developed for anyone in the

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology NAR each year is always packed with great sessions, speakers, topics and presenters.  There’s no way to see and do it all!  One of my favorite parts of the Convention is walking around, meeting people in the hallways, hugging old friends and shaking hands with