RETaggr – Can It Really Do All That?

My ActiveRain Blog sidebar has forever been a hosting ground for widgets, gadgets, gizmo’s, buttons, and anything else I could place there that didn’t break my Blog or the AR Network. LOL  Most of the buttons there were just links to other Blogs and sites where I participate.  The others were just on-line tools and

Reel Dwellings TV meets RAIN Radio

Sounds like a Terminator meets Alien showdown, but it’s not… it’s better!  Today we have Tara Jones from Reel Dwellings TV on the show talking about Video and how to take it to the next Radical Level.  Tara Jones is an experienced Professional Video Host.  She’ll be discussing various aspects of Real Estate Video and

Adding Forms To Your Blog Post

How do you create a lead sheet, a contact form, a questionnaire, a call to action in your post?  Google Docs allows you to not only create private forms, spreadsheets, and presentations, now you can embed them into your Website or Blog.  You also have the choice to share those forms and docs with others. 

The ActiveRain Suggestion Box

In many recent posts, I have been getting some great questions, suggestions, and ideas in the comments. I thought this would be a great tool to use as a suggestion form. This will allow our staff and team to gather information, in one location, of suggestions and ideas that come from our members among the

How To Use ActiveRain Channels

What are ActiveRain Channels, and how should you use them? This new feature was added to the network last week on Wednesday.  Many have been asking “what are they, and how do they work?”  Here’s a recorded podcast that touches on the Channels concept.  To really get how all this works, you have to understand