
I’m looking for a bumper sticker that says, “My other car is a Brand Spanking New Model 2.0 Blog.” Many of you know that I am a total gadget, widget, and techy kinda guy. When I’m not out trying to find title orders and escrows, or helping my clients find buyers and sellers, I like

Open Houses – The Controversy

                                    The first “EVER” post, inspired and compiled entirely from other members’ Blog Title’s regarding the “Open House”, and it’s obvious Controversy! I heard about The Best Open House List in Town, isn’t real estate still local?  Wouldn’t you like to know more on HOW TO GENERATE BUSINESS

Rainmakers Needed!!

This was inspired by a contest our company had these past couple months, which wraps up this next week. I couldn’t help but want to share what “The Rainmaker” contest taught me. American Indian tradition exalts the Rainmaker. The Rainmaker used magical powers to bring the rain to nourish the crops to feed the people.

20 Google Tools for Your Business

These are some really great tools that are ALL provided by Google for FREE. It’s obvious that they are on a mission to remain the leader in Internet services and tools for us in our business. You will have seen some of these before, but I am certain you have not seen or used them

Google Alerts – Staying Alerted

Have you ever wondered how other people find your Blog when you have written a post about them?  How do they do that?  I used to ask myself this question all the time.  Many of the comments on my Blog lately have asked me, “Where do you come up with all this stuff?”  This post