Agent Ratings and Reviews Go Public on Zillow

Your Reviews Are Now Front ‘n Center on Zillow It was announced last week to the general public that “Zillow surfaces thousands of Real Estate agent ratings and reviews.  Consumers can now search and find local agents based on Client feedback” The responses and results from adding this new feature have been very positive and

I Have A Dream…

Many of you might recall our very first ActiveRain RainCamp in San Francisco, CA. where the Andersohn’s were asked to debut the “Armored Flight” family band. This was our first public appearance ever.  We chose to open with a song specifically for Bob Stewart (one of his favorites) called Eye Of The Tiger.  Well a

How To Create a Posterous Group – New Feature at

Do you use Posterous?  Are you uploading photos to your Posterous site from your mobile device? Did you know you can post to Posterous using the email feature?  I started using Posterous when I discovered how easy it is to take a picture with an iPhone (or other mobile device) and upload it to my

Zillow Year-End Update and Report – A Record-Breaking 2010

I’m reporting this “LIVE” from our office in Seattle, WA today where it’s a GREAT day, the skies are crystal clear, the air is brisk and fresh, and the following updates and news is just too “HOT” not to share. Here’s the latest update and report for those of you who have been asking me