The I-Phone is Here…Can You Say Hello?

The Brand New iPhone is now available to be purchased.  They are calling this the new “Revolutionary Phone!”  Many Agents, Lenders, and Clients in my area are now considering this new “Realtool for Realty” for their business and personal use.  They have questions and are looking to me for some answers. I don’t have any…..yet!!  🙁 

The California Foreclosure Process & Timeline

The following time-line is applicable for California Non-Judicial Foreclosures under a deed of trust. Foreclosures begin when the Trustor (borrower) does not make the monthly payment to the Beneficiary (Lender). The first missed payment is a technical default, but in practical terms, most Beneficiaries do not begin the process until the third payment is missed.

Making Your Post, A Mini – Webpage

Over 20 Years Experience, Helping You Provide Your Clients, The American Dream!  View My Profile Memoirs of a Blogger View My Associates Get Linked In Search Active Rain             Real Estate Technology Group Target Marketing Group  The Title and Escrow Group Solano County Network Group My Corporate Office Property Comp Information Realtor Designations  Bay Area Real

Will It Ever Close?

This is probably the most often asked question by sellers of "Real Property" in our industry.  In fact, it may also be the most common question from Buyers, Lenders, Agents, Title companies and others too!   Here's a post featuring the "Lighter side" of this $64,000.00 question.  I know these have really happened to some of us, but try to see the

The Whole Enchilada

I tried to search for one of my posts this morning,  it took me 10 minutes to find it!  First, I checked my  bookmarked posts, (too long and too many) then I had to go through my entire Blog and all my posts to finally find it.  I would have used the Active Rain Search feature, but I