Hotspots on a Graphic – What are they, How to and Why

Can you have more than one link attached to a single graphic?  Have you ever wondered how website designers do that?  This is called layering or “Hotspots“.  You can easily create multiple links to any single graphic by doing the following.  I like to use photos or graphics that are in .jpg formats.  My earlier post

Real Estate Video Hosting – Dare To Compare

Here are 5 common Real Estate Video Hosting Sites that I wanted to test and compare. This is to demonstrate the quality of each host. I used the same exact video for each site. It’s a 2 minute video tutorial that I uploaded to the following locations. Play them, compare, and then you decide. These

Zillow Year-End Update and Report – A Record-Breaking 2010

I’m reporting this “LIVE” from our office in Seattle, WA today where it’s a GREAT day, the skies are crystal clear, the air is brisk and fresh, and the following updates and news is just too “HOT” not to share. Here’s the latest update and report for those of you who have been asking me

Real Estate Town Hall Meeting – In A Southern California Community

Will a Real Estate “Town Hall” meeting really help bring back the real estate market? IS IT POSSIBLE? Can putting together industry experts with local homeowners, renters, buyers and veterans really make a difference?  If so, you may want to follow the results of this upcoming Community Town Hall meeting. My guess is that since

Blogging Steps and Cycle For Success

Real Estate Blogging – The Steps & Cycle For Success Are you a REALTOR or BROKER Blogging? Why are you Blogging? Who is your audience? What are you Blogging about?  What are your ultimate intentions? What are your goals and desired results?  Do you have a plan in place for success?  Of course you do,

Copyright – Is It Clear and Are We Safe

Copyright Violations and Plagiarism are coming to an end, but it may not happen over night. When you see a Police Car ahead, and you’re speeding, don’t you slow down? Hopefully Harlen will have that same impact and affect as he travels around and throughout the Network.  I have heard he’s already making a dent

RainMakers Danced For Rain

In a time not long ago, when the crops were dry, and communities were losing their families and neighbors, Rainmakers were the individuals that were looked up to and counted on for saving their people.  These were the folks that in spite of tough and troubling times, were the chosen ones to dance, smile, and