How To Learn from Others’ Mistakes

Some of us simply have to learn by doing.  Others have the ability to learn from watching others make mistakes.  Hopefully you’re one that learns from reading this, watching the video, and then applying what you learn in the next 5 minutes to a life-long process of trying to succeed! In this video, Scott Stratten

Protect and Watermark Your Photos

Just because you can right click on any image or photo on the web and save it doesn’t mean you should.  Just because you can purchase and open a bottle of booze and drink it while driving in your car doesn’t mean you should either.  Maybe that’s not the best analogy, the point is that

Facebook is Making Privacy Changes

Facebook announced yesterday several improvements that are being made which will give users and members more control over specific areas regarding privacy.  These improvements will make it much easier for users to understand who will be able to see photos, posts, tags, and other content posted on the site. BEFORE: AFTER: The new privacy controls

How To Tweet in Google Plus

How do you tweet in Google +?   Well, without friends like Mike Mueller, the world may never know… I was following a few Tweets today and some Facebook friends who were posting some fun stuff on my wall when I came across this message on Twitter and then later, a link from Mike Mueller that

Create FREE iPhone HTML Signatures

Do you use your iPhone to send and receive email?  Don’t you hate that plain ol text email signature that by default reads “Sent from my iPhone” and that’s it?  You can customize your email settings to add more to the signature but there’s no way to add graphics, logos, images etc.   Cool Geex

Revolving Map Traffic & Stats Widget

In my daily quest and research endeavors for new widgets and gadgets, I stumbled across a pretty cool little widget that adds some movement to your page, captures the attention of your visitors with its unique “global” appearance and rotation, and tracks your visitors and traffic all while being simple to install and easy on

Create Your FREE Online Newspaper allows you to create and customize your own online newspaper publication to be shared across the web.  It only takes a few minutes to setup, you can customize it on the fly whenever you want, and it’s totally free. enough said…  

Mozilla Firefox Browser Super Speed

Who has time anymore these days to be waiting on your Internet browser to be loading sites with embedded videos, java, multi-media, large photos, graphics, widgets and plug-ins etc? The faster your browser, the happier you’ll be.  The newest version of the Mozilla Firefox browser won’t disappoint you.  Yes, Google’s Chrome is becoming an awesome

Do You Really Suck in Real Estate

Before you answer that question, you’ll want to watch this interview and video call with Ben Kinney from Keller Williams and There are a few strategies that Ben shares based around systems and business models that work.  To determine what systems and tools work in Real Estate is only half the challenge and in

20 Recorded Webinars For Real Estate

These are the top 20 recorded webinars that were hosted at Zillow Academy over the past few months.  For those of you not familiar with Zillow’s Academy, it’s an online virtual campus where guest speakers and Zillow staff share tips, tools, products and services on a wide variety of topics and concepts including Real Estate