Make Me Move – Are You Serious?

Take a look at this image below, what do you see?  Am I missing something here?  This is right from the Zillow search results for Atlanta, Georgia and if I’m not mistaken, this person has gone into the publicly accessed site and made some changes that I would find very interesting if I was a

Contact Management for Business

Every successful small or large business is built on people and relationships. Having a database of clients and potential prospects is critical in any industry. My questions to you is this, “Do you really need a CRM or client/contact management system?” This might help you answer that question… What did you have for breakfast last

How To Add Text Widget To Your Site

Matt Rains came up with an outstanding little text widget tool that works like a lucky charm.  To access and get the embed code for the text widget, just go to, fill out the form, and grab the code to be placed on your website, blog etc.  In the instructional video below, Matt walks

Google Plus + Minus The Confusion

It’s the next biggest move by Google with the Google + feature that’s been added to your search results at It may look small sitting over there on the side, but this may very well be the biggest and best thing Google has come up with since the search.   If you have a Google

Postlets PRO is Now FREE to Agents

Postlets Pro is Now FREE – How To Post Your Listings Getting exposure to a sellers property is obviously a no-brainer, but simplifying the process, and finding more efficient ways that cost less that get you a higher return on your investment and efforts is just plain smart. I’m excited to announce that the Postlets

Rapportive’s Social Media Email Tools

Rapportive Social Media Email Tools – Get all the information and social media network data you need right from your email inbox.  When you add Rapportive to your email inbox using gmail, every email you receive unveils all the sites, social networks, blogs and places that your email contacts have a presence. No more

Let Me Google That For You

Let Me Google That For You This is a long-overdue much requested article and thanks to a little pressure from my friend Lynn B. Friedman over at Zillow, I’m finally getting this written and published today. How to create the “Automatic Google Search” for anything you want, and how to add or install in on and in the Cloud

Google and are Accelerating the cloud workforce. now allows Google docs to be shared on the website making it convenient to store, edit, collaborate and more with the combined forces now meeting in the cloud. “we’re very excited to announce a major integration with Google Docs, Google’s leading web productivity suite. Beginning

Top Mobile Tools for Real Estate

Yesterday’s RainCamp in Seattle WA. was most likely one of the best times I’ve ever had on stage at one of these events. It was a privilege to wrap up Day One with sharing my Top Picks of Real estate sites and free tools on the web. As an added bonus for those who attended