3 Tips – How Google Buzz and Profiles Generate SEO and Business

3 Tips – Can Google Buzz really generate SEO and business? Is there a strategic way to use Google Buzz by mixing business and personal communications to generate ranking in search engines and at the same time, increase your visits and place in line making deposits at the local bank?  First tip: Stop standing in

Making Business Listings Rank Higher

Enhance Your Business Listing – Rank Higher and More Often Having your Local Business Listed on the web is important for its future survival.  Claiming your listing will help give you more control over how the search engines index you and will also help prevent spammers from hijacking it.  There’s also a good chance it

Setting Your Financial Real Estate Goals

Setting Your Financial Real Estate Goals Here’s a tool I created back when I was in Title and Escrow. I’ve used this in the past to help Brokers and Agents with their financial goals. I called it Agent Assist because that’s exactly what it was created for, to assist them in reaching their income goals.

How To Create Your Customized QR Code Images

I’ve seen many posts about QR codes, here’s one on how to Customize yours and make it different than others. The QR Code was just one of the hot topics at NAR in New Orleans this year. Out of the hundreds of cards we received for the iPad drawing, there were only 3 business cards

Adding Social Media Buttons and Icons – Pushing Your Buttons

Social Media Buttons and Icons – Is Someone Pushing Your Buttons? During these past few weeks, since adding the “Signature” option to ActiveRain posts, I’ve received so many requests, calls, and emails regarding how to add “Social Media Buttons and Icons” to the footers of Blog Posts.  You’ve probably seen many of the various types

US Home Values and Mortgage Market Rates – Interactive Charts

Today I was snooping around our site trying to find something for an agent when I discovered the following US Home Values Index chart.  This is not what I was looking for, but after I found it, I was actually very impressed and got so excited, I forgot what I was originally looking for?  It

How To Add .PDF Files To Your Blog Post and Website

How To Add a .PDF File To Your Blog Post or Website Once you’ve learned to add photos, embed video and audio files, create hyper-links and anchor text etc, inevitably you’ll want to know how you can add a .pdf file to your Blog post.  An Adobe Acrobat .PDF (Portable Document Format) file is a

RETaggr – Can It Really Do All That?

My ActiveRain Blog sidebar has forever been a hosting ground for widgets, gadgets, gizmo’s, buttons, and anything else I could place there that didn’t break my Blog or the AR Network. LOL  Most of the buttons there were just links to other Blogs and sites where I participate.  The others were just on-line tools and