Blogging From Your Cell Phone?

Today a client asked me, “Why should I Blog? Why wouldn’t I just use email or talk on the phone?” This was a great question, and momentarily had me stumped! “I wish I could just use my phone to Blog?” I asked, “Why wouldn’t you want to expose your marketing and advertising efforts for free

It’s "YOUR" Attitude

YOUR Attitude and mindset mean everything.  This is out of the ordinary for me to share a post like this, but I feel it is warranted.  If it helps just one person who reads it today, then the mission is accomplished!  One of my clients shared this with me today and I want to share

New GOOGLE Tools for Your BLOG – Customized Mapping

When I think of the old traditional maps, I still think of the ones in my glove compartment.  You know the one, you unfold it six times to open it, stretch your arms across the entire front seat of the car to read it, and then you’re never able to fold it back up the

Goal Setting – The 7 Steps to Success

The whole point in setting your goals is so you can accomplish those things you really want in life.  Goal setting is so unbelievably powerful.  Goals must be specific, written down, and have a time frame.  Just making the commitment to put it in writing will help you get there.  Having good organization is a

Meme Then – Meme Now!

Jeff Dowler tagged me for a meme about 5-6 weeks ago! I kept putting it off and procrastinating, but then I saw his post today about 10 reasons why he hated blogging! DETAILS: After reading it, I figure it was a self inflicted personal conviction to finally get this done, so thanks Jeff, two birds

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit When you first heard the word “Blog” you were probably just like the rest of us.  Not sure, confused, and maybe even uncomfortable with the whole idea and concept.  My guess is that you still are if you’ve opened this post and you’re still reading it. Here is a Starter