The Deferred Sales Trust Strategy

Why is this man so Angry even after he sold his property? Because No One Told Him He Could Have… Avoided paying current capital gainsEliminated current depreciation recaptureInvested more sale money by eliminating current taxesEnjoyed lifetime income from the salePassed the assets to heirs, estate and gift tax free All By Using A Deferred Sales

What is a Legacy?

What is your Legacy?  Is it your name remembered by an action, a quote, or a change to the world?  I have finally made another “life” discovery!  It’s not about me and my legacy, it’s about what I will leave behind one day.  What contributions I have made to the world with the miracles given me.  THESE

Soaring With the EAGLES!

Today, I want to formally welcome a relatively "New Member" to Active Rain.  His name is Francisco Gutierrez from San Diego, California.  He actually joined "The Rain" back in February and has been busy servicing the Southern California Market for First American Title!  When I saw his "Profile Page", I was very impressed with how he structured