Blogging and Time Management

One of the common concerns I hear from people about Blogging, is that they just don’t have the time.  Seriously though, we live in a world where Starbucks offers drive-thru coffee for those who don’t even have time to sit and enjoy it.  Everything in life seems to be go-go-go!  So maybe Blogging and Time

Real Estate Market Domination

Real Estate Market Domination?  Now that’s a title that should peak the interests of ANYONE in Real Estate!! This is going to be the Real Estate Industry’s “BEST EVENT” for 2010!  It’s going to be really hard for me to make this NOT sound like a sales pitch, but I’m just really excited to be

Top 40 Resources for Information and Education

These are my Top 40 Resources for Real Estate Industry Information and Education Most of my reading hours are spent on ActiveRain. Let’s face it, one could sit at their computer ALL DAY everyday, and never run out of great material to read and learn from AR members.  There is more information, education, inspiration, and

Google TV – Television Meets The Web

Google TV – Television On Steroids – Will it still be called television in the years ahead? Recently, I posted the “Top 50 Google Tools for your Business” thinking there’s not much more these folks at Google can do to top their latest releases of really cool products and services on the web.  Now Google

Blogging Steps and Cycle For Success

Real Estate Blogging – The Steps & Cycle For Success Are you a REALTOR or BROKER Blogging? Why are you Blogging? Who is your audience? What are you Blogging about?  What are your ultimate intentions? What are your goals and desired results?  Do you have a plan in place for success?  Of course you do,

The Virtual Real Estate Office – A "Live" Tour and Update

Some of you will remember my post awhile back about the “Future Real Estate Office or Brokerage.“  This post and video received a ton of attention and though many of the comments reflected a controversial and expected response, others agreed and saw this type of technology and office being the future of Real Estate in