Top 40 Resources for Information and Education

These are my Top 40 Resources for Real Estate Industry Information and Education Most of my reading hours are spent on ActiveRain. Let’s face it, one could sit at their computer ALL DAY everyday, and never run out of great material to read and learn from AR members.  There is more information, education, inspiration, and

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit When you first heard the word “Blog” you were probably just like the rest of us.  Not sure, confused, and maybe even uncomfortable with the whole idea and concept.  My guess is that you still are if you’ve opened this post and you’re still reading it. Here is a Starter

How To Use Google’s Wonder Wheel

The Google Wonder Wheel Keyword Research Tool …is a keyword research utility that was created by Google Labs and allows users to discover keyword searches that are popular and built around certain specific keyword terms. Google’s wonder wheel could be a great tool for helping writers to find new topics. The wheel can also help

How to Create Blog Post for Clients and Search Engines

How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines.   There are three important audiences to be writing for: 1. Other members and friends of your Social Networks. 2. Consumers, Subscribers, and a Target Audience of readers.  3. Search Engines.  I’m sure this is preaching to the choir, but this is important information

Building Blocks for Better Blogs and Business

While it was with every intention I planned on sharing this presentation at the RainStorm this past weekend, somehow my final decision to do so was influenced by the environment, the ambiance, and the folks I was fortunate to be surrounded by at the Ultra Heat Lounge in Anaheim.  There was a great line-up of

What’s The Best Part of Your Job?

What’s The Best Part of My Job? The best part of my job is that I get to travel around the country, and learn about all the latest and greatest stuff out there from some of the best minds and practitioners in the industry.  A portion of my time is spent researching and getting to

Top 50 Google Tools for Business

The Top 50 Google Tools for Business This compilation is for all of you out there who use Google for searching and SEO, but may not be aware of all the other tools and services that Google has to offer for your business.  My inbox used to get so many questions about many of the

RainMakers Danced For Rain

In a time not long ago, when the crops were dry, and communities were losing their families and neighbors, Rainmakers were the individuals that were looked up to and counted on for saving their people.  These were the folks that in spite of tough and troubling times, were the chosen ones to dance, smile, and