Youtube Provides Online Video Editing

This past week while uploading a video onto my Youtube Channel, I noticed a brand new feature.  The Youtube Video Editing link and module.  For as long as I can remember, this is a feature that has been long sought after by the millions of Youtube users and Vloggers.  With the addition of video editing

The Secret for Facebook Ads

Today I received an email from Glenn at Nucazza asking me: Subject: Facebook Advertising “Can you give me a brief schooling on how to use the Facebook ads without the call to action of click through? I want to share it with my IT people but did a horrible job. You mentioned it at one

Google Map Maker for the USA

Google announced a new Map Maker product this week called Google Map Maker. This site allows you to interact, add information, collaborate with others and more all in an attempt to help others know your area, neighborhoods, and communities better.  It always fascinates me how someone as BIG as Google and with all the money

Top 5 Contact Widgets for Blogs

Creating great content for your subscribers and readers, (and the search engines) is one of the most important things you can do to be successful with your blog or website. It may not be the most important though… One of the other major components is the “Call To Action” or the “Opportunity To Connect” At

Content Is King – Words Are Powerful

We’ve all heard that “Content is King” and this video proves an excellent point. It’s not “what we say” that matters as much as “why or how we’re saying it” that makes a difference in the world. The spoken and written words are powerful and they are the platforms in which our voices get heard.

How and Where to Find FREE Images and Photos for Websites and Blogs

Learn about FREE versus creative commons and understand the difference between share and share alike photos and more.  This video was recorded “LIVE” at RainCamp Atlantic NJ and is unedited. Also listed below are numerous other free sites and resources! In addition, here are 10 more great sites for Free Images, Graphics and Pics etc. Wikimedia PikWizard

How To Export and Import XML Files

Exporting and Importing XML Files Into WordPress using “ActiveRain – to – WordPress” One of the controversial features and benefits on ActiveRain is that members DO own their own content and can export it at anytime. It’s a good idea to always back-up your data on your computer and it’s a good idea to back

Keep and Share Your Calendar

Zillow Academy launched a new calendar interface today using a much more robust and user friendly calendaring system. There are many calendar applications and sites on the web, but finding one that allows users to easily access specific days, weeks, and months without having to learn or navigate the interface seems like an ongoing task