Goal Setting – The 7 Steps to Success

The whole point in setting your goals is so you can accomplish those things you really want in life.  Goal setting is so unbelievably powerful.  Goals must be specific, written down, and have a time frame.  Just making the commitment to put it in writing will help you get there.  Having good organization is a

Hotspots on a Graphic – What are they, How to and Why

Can you have more than one link attached to a single graphic?  Have you ever wondered how website designers do that?  This is called layering or “Hotspots“.  You can easily create multiple links to any single graphic by doing the following.  I like to use photos or graphics that are in .jpg formats.  My earlier post

ActiveBrad’s TOP FREE Picks

ChicagoAgentMagazine.com who also runs MiamiAgentMagazine.com contacted me last week, they wanted to know if I would write an article for their magazines this week.  Zipporah Porton, Senior Editor, asked for Active Brad’s Top FREE sites or web-tools for REALTORS®.  WOW!  That’s a BIG task.  There are so many FREE websites and applications on the WEB,

Real Estate Technology – The RE.Net Update

This week in the Real Estate Technology arena, the Gigabytes have been over-run by the Tera-bytes, and the CPU’s and PC’s are fighting the good fight with the MacBook Pros.  The PC vs MAC commercials just keep getting better and better. But in the Real Estate Technology side of the “techKnowBabble” world, there are some

Embed Youtube Video into Google Maps

How To Embed Your Youtube Video into Google Maps We had over 700 people register for the Youtube Video and Blogging Classes we held over at ActiveRain University this last month. In these sessions, we covered how to create and use video more effectively for your Blogs and websites. We shared some cool tips and

API – Making Your Site A Powerful Tool and RE-Source

API Making Your Site A Powerful Tool & Source of Information What is an API? It’s the acronym for “Application Programming Interface” and it has great value once you understand what it is and how it works.  Many have seen the term (API) around for quite some time, but figured it’s just some techno-jargon that

SEO Tools – You Should Know about SEO

SEO? There are Groups, Blogs, Website Graders, those who claim they know it all, and those who confess they know nothing whatsoever about it.  Both in and out of the community, many have benefited greatly from the SEO that comes from Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. What about those who haven’t a clue about SEO, what it

An ActiveRain Conduit – Toolbar for Your WEB Browser

The ActiveRain Conduit – A Nifty Toolbar for Your Internet WEB Browser This may be one of my coolest and greatest inventions EVER!! If you can believe that… lol~ ActiveRain members and even non-members should consider adding this toolbar to their Internet WEB Browsers.  It will work with Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.  The

Youtube Video Channels – There’s More That Meets The Eye

Introductions, Education, Information, Tools, Tips, News and Views are what many people on the Internet are still searching for and seeking out.  That’s exactly what we’re trying to provide for our Youtube “Video” visitors and guests, and you should be too. Youtube is STILL one of the top “most searched sites” on the Web. Having

How To Use Google’s Wonder Wheel

The Google Wonder Wheel Keyword Research Tool …is a keyword research utility that was created by Google Labs and allows users to discover keyword searches that are popular and built around certain specific keyword terms. Google’s wonder wheel could be a great tool for helping writers to find new topics. The wheel can also help