Zillow Provides RE Training and Support

Agent Ratings and Reviews “Zillow now surfaces thousands of Real Estate agent ratings and reviews.  Consumers can now search and find local agents based on Client feedback” The response and results from this new feature have been very positive and successful.  Agent reviews are now featured on the Buyer’s Agent List and Agent profile. DID

Create Email Newsletters for Blogs

Last week, I promised to show you how I was able to embed a Newsletter Style Calendar and update into my blog post.  It’s easier than you can imagine. First, go to MailChimp.com and setup your FREE account.  There is a 2000 subscriber limit and a maximum of 12,000 emails you can email each month,

Agents Reboot in Seattle Washington

Agents will Reboot in Seattle, WA this next week at Inman’s Agent Reboot event.  The term “Reboot” is appropriate in that this will be an opportunity for agents, REALTORS, and Brokers to do just that.  Reboot!   My analogy is “CTRL-ALT-DEL” where sometimes you have to just stop, reboot, re-evaluate, and make some adjustments, and sometimes

New GOOGLE Tools for Your BLOG – Customized Mapping

When I think of the old traditional maps, I still think of the ones in my glove compartment.  You know the one, you unfold it six times to open it, stretch your arms across the entire front seat of the car to read it, and then you’re never able to fold it back up the

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while